0x3416cF6C708Da44DB2624D63ea0AAef7113527C6 Wallet Statistics

Welcome to the 0x3416cF6C708Da44DB2624D63ea0AAef7113527C6 wallet statistics page. Here, you can find comprehensive information about 0x32B9CC34A52132D0b08ce9E75898286a93d6eAA4 trading activity, enabling you to evaluate wallet performance and track wallet progress. Below are the key statistics for 0x32B9CC34A52132D0b08ce9E75898286a93d6eAA4:

Buys and Sells:

By analyzing the statistics presented on this page, you can gain valuable insights into 0x32B9CC34A52132D0b08ce9E75898286a93d6eAA4 trading performance on the 0x3416cF6C708Da44DB2624D63ea0AAef7113527C6. It's essential to monitor 0x32B9CC34A52132D0b08ce9E75898286a93d6eAA4 trades, profits, PNL, and the ratio of buys to sells to make informed decisions. Stay updated with these statistics to enhance your trading strategies and achieve your financial goals.

Remember, the data displayed here is specific to 0x32B9CC34A52132D0b08ce9E75898286a93d6eAA4 and the selected trading pair. Use these statistics wisely to improve your trading outcomes.


date tx price price ($) value $ wallet
2024-07-12 05:59:11 +0000 UTC 0x24650f6005d60f891d611fdc11704459c34cc4a8e4e011c712c9d7e6010bc7f6 1.0001507 / 0.9998493 1$ / 0.9998493$ 23093.035$ 0x32B9CC34A52132D0b08ce9E75898286a93d6eAA4
2024-07-12 05:55:35 +0000 UTC 0x365425ad679d8215f4a9acee734ba7dccb6e5910ffd6489e72f6bd584172f69b 1.0001498 / 0.9998501 1$ / 0.9998501$ 76948.14$ 0x32B9CC34A52132D0b08ce9E75898286a93d6eAA4
2024-07-12 05:54:23 +0000 UTC 0x049fee6d17b46e23f690b570cfd19dd9944697e13ac24acce00af2e2117c0b28 1.0001463 / 0.99985373 1$ / 0.99985373$ 392356.62$ 0x32B9CC34A52132D0b08ce9E75898286a93d6eAA4